Minutes Board of Supervisors 11-09-2023


6 P.M

These minutes represent the general subject matter discussed in this meeting but do not
reflect a verbatim documentation of the subjects and conversation that took place.

1. Chairman David Ciembronowicz called the Regular Town Board Meeting to order at 6
P.M. Present were Supervisor Rich Nemitz, John Sleeman, Roric Gilmer, Cassie Fleming
and Clerk/Treasurer Helen G Hyde. Clerk testified the meeting was properly posted.
2. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by Cassie Fleming to approve the Agenda, Motion
3. A motion by Cassie Fleming, seconded by Rich Nemitz to approve the Minutes of the
Regular Town Board Meeting October 12, 2023 and the Special Town Board Meeting
August 19, 2023. Motion carried.
4. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by Roric Gilmer to approve the Financial Report.
Motion carried.
5. Heads of Department: Police- Matt Ladwig, Fire-John Darwin, Library- Jacquline Pooler,
Recycling Center- John Sleeman
6. Ad Hoc Committee- housing, parks & rec. Helena Jameson –looking for another court
for pickle/tennis court, Winter Fest, Tree lighting and movie for kids December 8 th , 9 th ,
10 th , 2023
Cassie Fleming- adhoc housing committee- 1 st Thursday of every month to discuss
housing options –looking for people to join this club
7. Citizens Comments. Randy Morgan would like to know if the fishing tournament on
Moon Lake park is catch and release , Town Board will find out
8. A motion by Cassie Fleming, seconded by Rich Nemitz to accept the bid of$9000.00 for
the sale of the Ambulance from Russle Telex. Motion carried.

9. A motion by Cassie Fleming, seconded by John Sleeman for the Town to support the
skating rink by the school, the fire department will do the first flooding when the
weather permits. Motion carried
10. A motion by John Sleeman, seconded by Roric Gilmer to make Spider Lake Drive a Town
road, the first step will be to level and gravel the turn around. Motion carried
11. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by Cassie Fleming to approve the request from Scott
& Peggy Hipsher for a short term rental at 68500 north George Street. Motion carried.
12. A motion by Cassie Fleming, seconded by John Sleeman to approve a new driveway
install for Kimberlee Nelson on Range Line Road. Motion carried.
13. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by John Sleemn to appoint the following to the
Library Board by Statute 43.58: John Castro 2023-2026;Helena Jamieson 2023-2026;
Barbara Resheske 2023-2024; Jeffery Holte 2023-2025; David Saarinen 2023-2025;
Michael Lang 2023-2024; Cassie Fleming 2023-2025; Karl Morrin; 2023-2026. Motion
14. A motion by John Sleeman, seconded by Roric Gilmer to adjourn at 7:05 P.M. Motion

Respectfully Submitted
Helen G Hyde