Minutes 9-26-2022

Special Town Board Meeting
September 26, 2022
10:00 A.M.

At the Absolute Building in Iron River


These Minutes represent the General subject matter discussed in this Meeting
but do not reflect a verbatim documentation of the subjects and conversationthat took place.

1. Meeting called to order by Chairman Ciembronowicz
Attendees: Rich Nemitz, David Ciembronowicz, John Sleeman, Roric Gilmer, Helen Hyde
2. Motion to Approve Agenda by Rich Nemitz, second by Roric Gilmer -Motion Carried
3. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by John Sleeman to accept the bid from Chippewa
Valley Bank for $100,000.00 at the rate of 4.25% for 10 years, with yearly payments .
This loan is for repair and maintenance of the Iron River Fire, Ems, and Highway
building. Motion carried.
4. A motion by John Sleeman, seconded by Roric Gilmer to adjourn at 10:30 a.m. Motion

Respectfully Submitted
Helen G Hyde ~ Clerk/Treasurer