Minutes 2-9-2023

6 P.M

These minutes represent the general subject matter discussed in this meeting but do not reflect a verbatim documentation of the subjects and conversation that took place.
1. Chairman David Ciembronowicz called the Regular Town Board Meeting to order at 6 P.M. Present were Supervisor Roric Gilmer, Rich Nemitz , John Sleeman and Clerk/Treasurer Helen G Hyde. Clerk testified the meeting was properly posted.

2. A motion by Roric Gilmer, seconded by John Sleeman to approve the Agenda, Motion Carried.

3. A motion by John Sleeman, seconded by Rich Nemitz to approve the Minutes of the Regular Town Meeting January 12, 2023. Motion Carried.

4. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by John Sleeman to approve the Financial Report. Motion Carried.

5. Citizens Comments. Mrs. Kolonich wanted to thank the Town for the fence by her house and the snowplowing on the town roads, she was very appreciative.

6. A motion by John Sleeman, seconded by Rich Nemitz to recommend approval for Debbie Baillie at 67815 Shady Oak Drive for a short term rental. Motion carried.

7. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by John Sleeman to recommend approval for Derek & Emily Johnson at 66535 Hart Lake Road for a short term rental. Motion carried.

8. A motion by John Sleeman, seconded by Rich Nemitz to table the request from Beverly Nelson Sanderson to vacate a street until more information is gathered. Motion carried.

9. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by Roric Gilmer to table a Resolution for the purchase of the Callahan building, with the option to approve or table or disapprove to be included in the wording. Motion carried. Cassie Fleming presented to the Town Board the need to buy the proposed property and what the Library would like to purchase. The original offer from the Callahan’s was 4 lots which now have turned into 6 lots. A lengthy discussion was held about the pros and cons of purchasing the property. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by John Sleeman to table any further action until more information can be obtained. Motion carried.

10. John Sleeman informed the Board the updates on the recycling center building plans and status. CNS Designs gave a quote for 100 square foot building, at $100,000.00 that was their offer to the Town. John is waiting for other options and proposals from other companies. There is the hope that a building will be built this summer (2023) it is becoming difficult to find contractors and prices continue to rise.

11. A motion by David Ciembronowicz, seconded by Roric Gilmer to set up a committee of 5 citizens, with John Sleeman leading the group, for a committee to enhance the parks, they will meet with the Town Board on a regular basis with their thoughts to improve the parks. This group has no authority to make decisions just suggestions to the Board pertaining to the parks. Motion carried.

12. Update on Iron River Economic Development Group. This group was formed to improve the economics of Iron River. They meet once a month or so to brain storm ideas to enhance the Town. Anyone interested should contact the Town of Iron River or the Chamber office.

13. Update. The Bayfield County Housing and Heat Assistance program is still available, Please contact the County if interested.

14. A motion by John Sleeman, seconded by Rich Nemitz to approve the Election workers for a two year term. Rosie Maki, Nancy Kelly, Luella Rautio, Jeff Holte, Harold Sklebar, Karen Wickland. Motion carried.

15. Update on the skating rink by the Elementary school. There were 26 thousand gallons poured to make the ice so far and it is open and ready for use.

16. Heads of Departments present. Andy Jatzo – Highway, Ryan Schneeburger- Police, Sam Gilbert – Ambulance, Jackie Pooler- Library, John Darwin- Fire

17. A motion by Rich Nemitz , seconded by John Sleeman to adjourn at 7:25 P.M. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted
Helen G Hyde