Library Board Agenda 3-20-2024

Evelyn Goldberg Briggs Memorial Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Conference Room
March 20, 2024 6:00 P
(no password should be necessary)

Mission Statement: The mission of the Evelyn Goldberg Briggs Memorial Library is to provide quality materials and
services that cultivate literacy in our community.
Vision Statement: The Evelyn Goldberg Briggs Memorial Library aspires to connect in a meaningful way with everyone
in our community.
Circulation statistics: Feb 2023 (2547) Feb 2024 (2860)
1. Call to order/Roll call
2. Guest Comments
3. Correspondence
4. Reports:
 President
 Secretary: February 15 th , 21 st and 26 th minutes.
 Treasurer:
 Library Director
 Material Selection policy finish
 Bylaws-the rules and regulations that the library board follows
 Trustee Essentials-a book published by the state of Wisconsin spelling out the powers and duties of the
library board.
 Iron River Library Program Advisory Committee-used to direct the librarian on the type of
programs to offer at the library.
 Drawing books for kit-a hardwood manikin was donated to the library and the goal is to create a kit that
includes this figure along with several books on how to draw the human body for varied levels of skill.

 Movie license
 Holiday hours
 Friends
Next regular board meeting will be Wednesday, April 17th.