Board of Supervisors Minutes 6-13-2024


6 P.M

These minutes represent the general subject matter discussed in this meeting but do not
reflect a verbatim documentation of the subjects and conversation that took place.

1. Chairman David Ciembronowicz called the Regular Town Board Meeting to order at 6
P.M. Present were Supervisor Rich Nemitz , John Sleeman , Cassie Fleming, John Rautio
and Clerk/Treasurer Helen G Hyde. Clerk testified the meeting was properly posted.
2. A motion by John Rautio, seconded by John Sleeman to approve the Agenda, Motion
3. A motion by Cassie Fleming, seconded by Rich Nemitz to approve the Minutes of the
Regular Town Meeting May 9, 2024 with corrections to John Castros comment in
Citizens comments. Motion Carried.
4. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by John Sleeman to approve the Financial Report.
Motion Carried.
5. Heads of Departments present. Jackie Pooler- Library, Police- Schneeburger, Fire- John
6. Ad Hoc Committee for Housing- Karlan Williams. Parks & Recreation-No report
7. Citizens Comments. Correction for May 9, 2024 Meeting: John Castro’s comment was
taken out of contest. Mr. Castro made the comment you might as well let Northern
Waters run the Library because they are now anyway, and at no point did he say close
the Library or leave Northern Waters. Others: Don Anderson, Ann Madison from the
Lions Club, Jeanna Penny
8. A motion by John Sleeman, seconded by John Rautio to recommend approval to the
Belan Family Rev Trust for a short term rental at 68850 North Main Street. Motion
9. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by John Rautio for approval of a shipping container
at 8650 Topper Road for the Iron River Lions Club. Motion carried.
10. A motion by John Sleeman, seconded by John Rautio to approve a picnic license,( beer&
wine), for the 2024 Blueberry Festival July 26, 27, 28. Motion carried.

11. A motion by Cassie Fleming, seconded by John rautio, (Rich Nemitz recused), to table
the request to vacate an unnamed alley between the 2prcels owned by CB Peterson on
Staples Ave, also to vacate an unnamed alley located at 7605 US Hwy 2, motion carried
12. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by John Sleeman to approve the picnic license (beer
and wine) for the Bayfield County Fair on August 10-13, 2024. Motion carried.
13. A motion by Cassie Fleming, seconded by John Rautio to accept an Asphaltic Chip Seal
Surfacing for Shady Ln from CTY H SE to Fire # 6560 for $14,100, Buskey Bay RD from Cty
H E to change in pavement for $5,594, Rooster Rd from Cty H SE to Buskey Bay Drive
$5,750, Motion Carried. A motion by Cassie Fleming, seconded by John Sleeman to
accept an Asphaltic Chip Seal Surfacing for Wheeler Rd from Shady LN W to Blacktop
$5450. Motion Carried.
14. A mtion by John Sleeman, seconded by Cassie Fleming to approve signatures from
Chippewa Valley Bank for Public Depository Accounts for Chairman and Clerk. Motion
15. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by John Sleeman to adjourn at 7:15 P.M. Motion

Respectfully Submitted
Helen G Hyde