Board of Supervisors Minutes 5-9-2024


6 P.M

These minutes represent the general subject matter discussed in this meeting but do not
reflect a verbatim documentation of the subjects and conversation that took place.

1. Chairman David Ciembronowicz called the Regular Town Board Meeting to order at 6
P.M. Present were Supervisor Rich Nemitz , John Sleeman , Cassie Fleming, John Rautio
and Clerk/Treasurer Helen G Hyde. Clerk testified the meeting was properly posted.
2. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by John Rautio to approve the Agenda, Motion
3. A motion by Cassie Fleming, seconded by John Sleeman to approve the Minutes of the
Regular Town Meeting April 11, 2024. Motion Carried.
4. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by John Sleeman to approve the Financial Report.
Motion Carried.
5. Heads of Departments present. Andy Jatzo – Highway, Mike Simms – Ambulance, Jackie
Pooler- Library, Police- Voss
6. Ad Hoc Committee for Housing- No report. Parks & Recreation-No report
7. Citizens Comments- John Castro- Citizen of Iron River, spoke on the Library Board and
what a mess it is. He has 2 solutions, a ballot type vote on which books to be exposed,
or resignation of Library director – dissolve Library Board which will save the Towns
people money. Peg Lavin- She lives on the corner South Bohn and Mill Street, people do
notslow down or stop, she is concerned people will get hurt or accidents will occur.
8. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by John Rautio to move forward and write a formal
letter in support of the Iron River Foundation by May 15, 2024 to support a grant for a
walking ,bicycle, path that would run the length of the Ball Field. The opportunity is
supported by the Breen Bay Packer Foundation. Motion carried. A motion by Rich
Nemitz, seconded by Cassie Fleming to grant permission from the Town Board to put
the walking path on Town property if the Grant is awarded. Motion carried.
9. Update. A resident has suggested closing Fire Road 242 between Fire tower Road and
Loon Lake Road to ATV/UTV traffic because it is damaging the road and many are

speeding. Chairman Ciembronowicz explained the Town is going to gravel.6 tenth of a
mile of this road and put down larger rock to denture the damage and slow ATV/UTV
traffic down.
10. A motion by John Sleeman, seconded by John Rautio to return the $ 1000.00 to the VFW
who paid the Town for two lots. The survey showed the lots already belonged to the
VFW. The refund will be made. The Deed has been finished and recorded and the Alley
is in the process of being closed. Motion Carried.
11. A motion by Cassie Fleming, seconded by John Sleeman to move monies back into the
Police Department overtime wages for the reimbursement by the Berki Ski Race for the
amount of $1,293.00. Motion carried.
12. A motion by Cassie Fleming, seconded by John Sleeman to recommend approval for
Nathan Merritt at 69530 West Long lake Road for a Shore Line grading permit. Nathan
Merritt spoke on the steps to be done to finish the shoreline grading/ site restoration.
Motion carried. By roll call vote. John Rautio-Yes, Cassie Fleming-Yes, Rich Nemitz-
Abstain, John Sleeman- Yes, David Ciembronowicz- yes. Motion Carried.
13. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by Cassie Fleming to adjourn at 6:55 P.M. Motion

Respectfully Submitted
Helen G Hyde