Board of Supervisors Minutes 2-8-2024


6 P.M

These minutes represent the general subject matter discussed in this meeting but do not
reflect a verbatim documentation of the subjects and conversation that took place.

1. Chairman David Ciembronowicz called the Regular Town Board Meeting to order at 6 P.M.
Present were Supervisor Roric Gilmer, Rich Nemitz , John Sleeman and Clerk/Treasurer Helen G
Hyde. Clerk testified the meeting was properly posted.
2. A motion by Rich Nemitz seconded by Cassie Fleming to approve the Agenda, Motion Carried.
3. A motion by Cassie Fleming, seconded by John Sleeman to approve the Minutes of the Regular
Town Meeting January 11, 2024. Motion Carried.
4. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by John Sleeman to approve the Financial Report. Motion
5. Heads of Departments present. Andy Jatzo – Highway, Adam Olson – Ambulance, Jackie Pooler-
Library, John Darwin- Fire
6. Ad Hoc Committee for Housing- Nonew news presented. Parks & Recreation-Helena Jameson
touched base on items that are in the works, Picle Ball by school, move in the Park Friday before
Blueberry Fest weekend, community splash pod in the summer
7. Citizens Comments- Jenna Penny= states that town employees and board members have been
sab0toshing her rights to be employed by the Town. She feels she should not be denied to serve
on the Ambulance service because she was let go from the Town. Also commented that the red
shack at the Recycling Center was donated to the PTA. Rudy Kavajecz=was wondering why the
minutes and agendas are not posted on website where he can locate them, Also wants the
Board to know the Ambulance Service is outstanding and he has used it before and says thank
you to all EMT’s. Karlan Williams= would like to know if the Ad Hoc reports can be posted to the
website. Cynthia Samuals= Volentired at the Recycling Center one summer and states the
compactor was used and cans were sold, money was raised to buy the compactor by Jeanna
Penny. Jeanna worked hard to get things at the Center running great. She states she will help
get cans to somewhere besides the landfill. John Quam=states he is a little worried about his
taxes going up when the Town hires 3 people for full time Ambulance workers. Chairman states
that in April Town Citizens will decide on that subject. He was also asking the Board where he
can get a variance to do some work on his property. Gary LaJoie= Questioning the hiring of 2-3

people for the full time ambulance positions, also why Jeanna penny was not hired for Ems
position when she applied.
8. Notice- Moon Lake Park campground reservations are now open, contact Joyce Ciembronowicz
for more information at 715-372-4324
9. Update on Fishin Chicks at Moon Lake Park. Paula Millar reported that the fishing contest this
year made over $25,000.00; some of the money will stay right here in Iron River to help families
with expenses and be donated to help the clinic as well.
10. A motion by Cassie Fleming, seconded by Roric Gilmer to contract with Dalmer Construction to
replace 20 foot culverts by April 15, 20241, the culvers will cost 100.00 each and be reimbursed
by Bayfield County. Motion Carried.
11. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by Cassie Fleming to replace and install 6 grills at Moon Lake
Park. $1,500.00 will be taken out of maintenance at the parks to pay this expense. Motion
12. A motion by Roric Gilmer seconded by Rich Nemitz to move forward to have 3 companies bid on
remove, mitigation and reinsulate the HWY/ Fire/Ems building. Estimated cost will be
$14,000.00-$20,000.00 bids will be sent to service companies for spring 2024 completion.
Motion Carried.
13. Chairman advised that the Employee Handbook is ready to be completed; It has been
distributed to the head of departments and needs final approval to move forward. Motion
14. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by John Sleeman to give the Chairman approval to sit down
with Delta, Hughes, Oulu and Tripp to initiate discussions with their leadership on discussion of
common issues regarding EMS and Fire support and ways to work together for future growth.
Motion carried.
15. Notice: Economic Development Group will meet February 15 at 8:30 am at the community
center. All are welcome to attend.
16. A motion by John Sleeman, seconded by Rich Nemitz was made to sell the building to the
person who agreed to buy it for $1000.00, the PTO was contacted and they stated they did not
need or want the building. Motion Carried.
17. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by Roric Gilmer to table the decision about the
Compactor located in the Town Garage, the Board needs to decide if it should be sold ,
right now it’s not economical feasible to use to this time. Tabled until more information
can be obtained. Motion carried.
18. A motion by Cassie Fleming, seconded by John Sleeman to adjourn at 7:10 P.M. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted
Helen G Hyde