Board of Supervisors Meeting Agenda 9-14-2023
6 P.M.
The Town of Iron River Board of Supervisors will not discuss the issue of certain
books in the Goldberg Library in this meeting. The issue has and remains one
that is within the purview and responsibility of the Library Board of Directors and not the Town Board
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Approve the Agenda
3. Approve the Minutes of the Special Town Board Meeting August 24,2023, and the
Regular Town Board Meeting August 10, 2023
4. Approve the Financial Report
5. Heads of Department
6. Ad Hoc Committee reports (Housing, Parks & recreation )
7. Citizens Comments (Time limited to 2 minutes per person)
8. Discuss/Act on request from Jenna and Brett Diersen at 69510 West Long Lake Road for
a Class A special use permit, an after the fact grading permit
9. Discuss/Act on request from Allison Ruffi at 68595 North Bohn Street for a short term
10. Discuss/Act on request from Fishin’ Chicks to use Moon Lake Park for January 20 th , 2024
for the 15th annual fishin’ chicks event
11. Discuss/Act on request from David McDonald to discuss Motor Boat wake problem on
the Pike Lake Chain
12. Discuss/Act on request from the Iron River Lions Club for placing a shipping container on
property at 8650 Topper Road for storage of Blueberry Festival equipment and
additional items, Anne Madison
13. Discuss/Act on Tabled item, well head protection ordinance for Iron River
14. Discuss/Act on opening of Ambulance bids
15. Discuss/Act on request from residents on Spider Lake Drive to make it a town road
16. Discuss/Act on Library Board State Statute
17. Discuss/Act request for a firework permit on October 7 th , 2023 at 65730 East Pine Crest
Road from Ginger Pagac
18. Adjournment
Helen G Hyde