Board of Supervisors Agenda 7-11-2024



6 P.M.

1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Roll Call/Quorum of Supervisors
3. Approve the Agenda
4. Approve the Minutes, June 13, 2024 Regular Town Board Meeting, June 21,
2024 Special Town Board Meeting and the Special Town Board Meeting June
19, 2024
5. Approve the Financial Report
6. Heads of Department (Fire, EMS, Police, Library, Highway/Streets/Parks)
7. Ad Hoc Committee reports (Housing, Parks & recreation )
8. Citizens Comments (Time limited to 2 minutes per person, 15 minutes in total
for all citizens comments )
9. Discuss/Act on Special Event Permit for Jared Botten at 68290 S Main Street
for a street dance to be held on July 26, 2024 from 8 pm -1 am, noise
ordinance , open container, barricades and trash cans
10. Discuss/Act on Special Event Permit for the Blueberry Festival Parade on July
28, 2024, 11 am – 1:30 pm
11. Discuss/Act on recommend approval for Greg Ogren at 64880 County Hwy H
for a short term rental
12. Discuss/Act on Resolution to Initiate Discontinuance of Alley on Iron River VFW
and Town of Iron River property per Chapter 82, Wis. Stats..
13. Discuss/Act on Resolution for Town of Iron River Platted Town Road (“unbuilt
Northshore Dr.”) Abandonment order per Chapter 82, Wis. Stats..
14. Discuss/Act on current County zoning coverage for Town of Iron River.

15. Update Blueberry Fest July 25-28 and Dog ordinance reminder
16. Update Open Police Officer position in Iron River Police Department
17. Update: Bayfield County Fair August 8-11, 2024
18. Update: Road projects in Iron River Summer 2024
19. Update: New business in Iron River
20. Update: Iron River Sanitary District Job Opening for Outside Operator
21. Adjournment

Helen G Hyde