Minutes Board of Supervisors 2-13-2025
6 P.M
These minutes represent the general subject matter discussed in this meeting but do not
reflect a verbatim documentation of the subjects and conversation that took place.
1. Chairman David Ciembronowicz called the Regular Town Board Meeting to order at 6 P.M.
Present were Supervisor Rich Nemitz, Cassie Fleming, John Rautio, John Sleeman, and Clerk
Treasurer Helen G Hyde , she also testified the meeting was properly posted.
2. A motion by John Sleeman, seconded by John Rautio to approve the Agenda. Motion Carried.
3. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded John Sleeman to approve the Minutes of the Regular Town
Meeting January 9, 2025, Motion Carried.
4. A motion by John Rautio, seconded by Rich Nemitz to approve the Financial Report. Motion
5. Heads of Departments present. Jackie Pooler- Library, Fire- John Darwin, Andy Jatzo- Highway,
Adam Olson-Ambulance
6. Citizens Comments – Mike Fertak, Chris Deising, Randy Morgan, Dave Mills, Katie Lucca
7. Mike Fertak spoke on the process on how to leave County Zoning and go to a private Zoning
through the Town of Iron River. Ultimately the Towns electors must vote to do this change.
There is much dissatisfaction on County Zoning at this time and how they are running the Zoning
Department. This discussion was just an informational meeting on the steps to take and the pros
and cons of having our own Zoning Department. There will be more discussion from the Town
Board at future meetings.
8. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by Cassie Fleming to move forward with the County timber
sales as written. Bayfield County Forestry recommended a timber sale on 30 acres of Town of
Iron River property in an area South of Dump Road and situated between Hwy A and spider Lake
Road, this sale is in conjunction with County Timber sales. Estimating harvesting 623 cords, that
will be approximately $14,637 revenue for the Town, this will be a two year contract with a fixed
fee of $2,500.00 for the County. Motion Carried. All Board members approved of this item.
9. Update on Community Center facility upgrades, repairs to doors, completed audio system, LED
bulbs installed on the west end of the building.
10. Update on Iron River Building Development within the Town, there are companies interested in
coming and building in Iron River, which is a good sign for development in the future.
11. Update. Welcome to a new Town of Iron River business, Dykstra Construction, who purchased
the Don Olson building in the middle of Town. They plan to remodel the inside and have a
showroom to showcase some of their buildings. Stop and say hi and check out the progress they
have made.
12. Update. Discussion about authorizing County Sherriff and LOI to enforce Town Ordnances in the
future. No decision was made just a discussion for the future.
13. A motion by John Sleeman, seconded by Cassie Fleming to approve the selling of the EMS 2021
Polaris RGR 570 Crew UTV on Wisconsin used equipment and or any other site for the starting
price of $9000.00. Motion Carried.
14. A motion by Cassie Fleming, seconded by John Sleeman to approve the funds from the sale of
the 2021 Polaris RGR 570 Crew UTV to be used by Iron River EMS to outfit the new UTV
emergency vehicle. Motion Carried.
15. A motion by John Sleeman, seconded by Rich Nemitz to review and approve amendment to a
Town of Iron River Ordnance, CH. 9, Sec. 9-26 Open Burning Ordinance . See copy at the Clerk’s
Office. Motion Carried. All approved from the Town Board.
16. A motion from Cassie Flemimg, seconded by Rich Nemitz to table the issue of regulation of short
term rentals and application fee per unit and its authority under WI, Statute 66.0615. Coming
from Bayfield County Zoning, until further information can be obtained. Motion carried.
17. A motion by Rich Nemitz, seconded by Cassie Fleming to table the reviewing of the Bayfield
County Amendatory Ordinance 2025-01 Amending Section 16-3 Well Protection and private
water systems from County Zoning until more information can be obtained. Chairman declines
acceptance pending the Town Board to have additional information. Motion Carried.
18. A motion by Cassie Fleming, seconded by John Rautio to add or adopt Criminal Statues as a
County Ordinances. This is Ordinance 2024-14 amending Title 11-CH.1 Motion Carried.
19. Notice: There will be a Primary election February 18, 2025
20. A motion by Cassie Fleming, seconded by Rich Nemitz to adjourn at 7:45 P.M. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Helen G Hyde