Agenda Board of Supervisors 9-12-2024

TOWN OF IRON RIVER REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2024 6 P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Roll Call/Quorum of Supervisors 3. Approve the Agenda 4. Approve the Minutes, August 08, 2024 Regular Town Board Meeting 5. Approve the Financial Report 6. Heads of Department (Fire, EMS, Police, Library, Highway/Streets/Parks) 7.…

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Planning Commission Agenda 9-10-2024

TOWN of IRON RIVER PLANNING COMMISSIONM Tuesday, September 10, 2024 6:00 P.M. AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Approve the Agenda 3. Discuss/Act on approving the prior Minutes 4. Discuss/Act on Jeff & Angela Colby at 10685 Angus Lake Road, Shore land Grading 5. Discuss/Act on Charity Reglin at 69885…

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Minutes 8-08-2024

TOWN OF IRON RIVER REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, AUGUST 08, 2024 AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER 6 P.M These minutes represent the general subject matter discussed in this meeting but do not reflect a verbatim documentation of the subjects and conversation that took place. 1. Chairman David Ciembronowicz called the Regular Town Board Meeting…

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